Country news

Hoja informativa de Perú - 2017

Cover of Hoja Informativa de Perú

Baseline Information for the Indigenous Navigator in Peru: 2017

The Indigenous Navigator is being implemented through two institutions in Peru: the National Organisation of Andean and Amazonian Indigenous Women (ONAMIAP) and the Centre for Public Policies and Human Rights – Perú Equidad. Peru has also committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and so the Indigenous Navigator is helping to monitor SDG implementation with regard to the country’s indigenous peoples. Peru gave its first voluntary presentation to the United Nations in July 2017.

Click below to read the full report: 

Cover of Hoja Informativa de Perú
Logo of Peru Equidad



Programme Coordinator (Indigenous Navigator) - IWGIA

Ena Alvarado Madsen

Programme Coordinator (Indigenous Navigator) - IWGIA
+45 5373 2833