Data by and for Indigenous Peoples

A global tool for Indigenous Peoples: This data portal is dedicated to providing tools and inspiration by Indigenous Peoples, for Indigenous Peoples to assess the realisation of Indigenous Peoples' rights.

What is the Indigenous Navigator?

The Indigenous Navigator is a framework and set of tools for and by Indigenous Peoples to systematically monitor the level of recognition and implementation of their rights. By using the Indigenous Navigator, Indigenous organisations and communities, duty bearers, NGOs and journalists can access free tools and resources based on community-generated data.

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Explore our Data

The tool provides a new and updated interface for collecting data, printing answers and for exploring the results of the surveys. No account is needed to explore the data at the links below.

Data explorer for National submissions

Data explorer for Community submissions

Index explorer all submissions

We welcome you to apply for an account today if you want to complete a survey and upload data.

Overview of submission

Data by Indigenous Peoples

By documenting and reporting their situation, Indigenous Peoples can enhance their access to justice and development. We believe the data collected with our tools will contribute to the global efforts to better document the situation of Indigenous Peoples globally.

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Learn about the Indigenous Navigator

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Indigenous community data make implementation gaps visible. By documenting and reporting their situation, Indigenous Peoples can enhance their access to justice and development.

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The Indigenous Navigator is a collaborative initiative realised with the support of the European Union by a Steering Committee of five partners:

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The Indigenous Navigator offers tools and resources to engage indigenous peoples in systematically monitoring the level of recognition and implementation of their rights.